About Us
Who the heck are we?Customer service has always been our cornerstone. Nowadays it may feel like talking to a human is a luxury, but you can count on someone in our office to be available to speak with you. If you’re in a last-minute pinch, we’re happy to come in on the weekend to help you meet your deadline… we’re old-school like that. At our convenient Irvine location, there is a cup of coffee waiting for you, and an open seat at our conference table where you can meet with members of our team to discuss your ideas.
Every job is important to us. Let us help make your next project look amazing!


The Renaissance Man
In the mid-90s, my brother and I purchased LT Litho from our father, and ran the business for 15 years before shutting it down to pursue our own individual endeavors. This is how MT Litho Print Services ultimately came to be. As a third-generation printer, I’ve spent the last 30 plus years of my life in the business, and still thoroughly enjoy the creativity and relationships built with a fantastic team of coworkers and a tremendous group of customers and vendors.
Aside from my involvement in the print industry, I enjoy snowboarding, surfing, rock climbing, standup paddling, running, and many other sports and creative endeavors. Since I tend to see a lot more movies than most, I will be imparting my experiences and opinions on the current movies in the theaters (at least the ones I’ve seen), with an occasional guest review from Scott or Eric. Stay tuned because we may have some movie trivia and chance to win movie gift cards in the future. Be sure and check our website on a regular basis.

The Pied Piper of Pixels
As a kid, I taught myself how to draw by collecting comic books and watching a lot of cartoons – then imitating their different art styles. I still have a love for 80’s cartoons and video games, and they influence my art to this day. I always knew I wanted some kind of career in art, so I got my Graphic Arts Degree in 2001.
Since graduating, I’ve done freelance art for private clients, held a few graphic design positions, and worked at marketing agencies. I was lucky enough to be on some great creative teams where I built marketing campaigns generating nearly a million dollars in revenue. I also had the pleasure of working with Mark and Eric back in the LT Litho days, and learned a ton about what happens to art after it leaves the hands of the designer… I would highly recommend that any new graphic designers try to work at a print shop as their first job right out of school.